Sharing the Road
What is up with bikers riding around as though they own the road? The streets were originally made for cars, not bikes, contrary to what one might think after watching a few cyclists ride around.
I have no problem with people riding their bikes on the street--there's room enough for everyone. Or at least, there should be. I just don't get it when I'm driving towards two bikers, and they don't go into single file. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stop my car and wait for two bikers riding beside eachother to go by. That's not how it works. Sharing the road means everyone's on it at the same time, it doesn't mean taking turns. Like it or not, my car is bigger than your bike, and I would win the game of chicken if you're too stubborn to be courteous and move behind your buddy.
And what's the deal with cyclists ignoring the road signs? What, are they suddenly above the law because they're working out instead of letting a motor do the work? I don't think so. And the next time one of them ignores the stop sign and I almost hit him, I'm not going to shout 'I'm sorry!' out the window as I slam on the brakes to avoid smearing him. I'm gonna stomp on the gas and run the sucker over.
That'll teach him.
I have no problem with people riding their bikes on the street--there's room enough for everyone. Or at least, there should be. I just don't get it when I'm driving towards two bikers, and they don't go into single file. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stop my car and wait for two bikers riding beside eachother to go by. That's not how it works. Sharing the road means everyone's on it at the same time, it doesn't mean taking turns. Like it or not, my car is bigger than your bike, and I would win the game of chicken if you're too stubborn to be courteous and move behind your buddy.
And what's the deal with cyclists ignoring the road signs? What, are they suddenly above the law because they're working out instead of letting a motor do the work? I don't think so. And the next time one of them ignores the stop sign and I almost hit him, I'm not going to shout 'I'm sorry!' out the window as I slam on the brakes to avoid smearing him. I'm gonna stomp on the gas and run the sucker over.
That'll teach him.
At 11:50 AM,
Desperate Househusband said…
Ah yes the "Biker running the stop sign dilema". Happens all the time and it really irritates me. Also another reason to dislike those who exercise. Come to think of it, this could be the reason I don't bike,.. genuine concern for all traffic laws and civil order.
At 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't even have my own car yet, but yeah I dislike tremendously cyclists who think the road is their excl. domain. They're lucky, there's alot of bike paths here, yet they go on reg. roads and ignore the laws/signs/lights. (And their special-interest groups would wanna get rid the world of motorized vehicles and force us in subways, electric trolleys, bikes and horse carriages if they ahd their ways. Urgh.)
The only time I cycle is when I exercise, and I only go on exclusive bike/blade paths, far away from car/truck traffic. Obviously to get myself there I must ride a bit on the reg. streets, but I do my best to follow the laws and LOOK around me. Stops are there for a reason; once I failed a driving test cuz a cyclist swerved near me on a highway, when the guy wasn't supposed to be there in the first place! No accident happened, but still...Moron!
Oh, and a huge pet peeve of mine are those who ride their bikes on the sidewalks, full speed ahead...Hey Lance wannabes, sidewalks were made for walking.At least get off your bike before hopping on the sidewalk! My grandma was almost run over by a wanna be "white hip hop gangsta" riding these stupid small-lowbicycles, and the dude didn't even apologize!!!
A blogger from Quebec
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