Life lessons learned in line
On his way home from work the other day, David, my husband, stopped to renew his license. As he stood in line, trying to stay awake, an older lady bounced in the doors and took her place behind him. As they moved a centimeter forward, she chirped something about the length of the line reminding her of Worlds of Fun, and then cackled merrily as David politely nodded.
Standing in line is never terribly fun; especially when you've just finished working the midnight shift, and desperately need some sleep. Standing in a line for 45 minutes with a woman who never takes a breath, is even worse.
She apparently cracked herself up, because she did nothing but talk and laugh at her own wittiness. After about 35 minutes she must've noticed that David was not joining her in the laughter, and that his smiles and attempts at politeness were getting strained.
Leaning in close, she imparted some words of wisdom, "It takes more muscles to frown, than it takes to smile!"
His response? A polite smile. It's for the best that I wasn't there to impart my own words of wisdom.
It takes more muscles to prattle on for over half an hour, than it takes to shut up.
Standing in line is never terribly fun; especially when you've just finished working the midnight shift, and desperately need some sleep. Standing in a line for 45 minutes with a woman who never takes a breath, is even worse.
She apparently cracked herself up, because she did nothing but talk and laugh at her own wittiness. After about 35 minutes she must've noticed that David was not joining her in the laughter, and that his smiles and attempts at politeness were getting strained.
Leaning in close, she imparted some words of wisdom, "It takes more muscles to frown, than it takes to smile!"
His response? A polite smile. It's for the best that I wasn't there to impart my own words of wisdom.
It takes more muscles to prattle on for over half an hour, than it takes to shut up.
At 8:46 PM,
joydle said…
ya, he got tired of listening to her chatter after 5 minutes...
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