Dear Offensive Old Lady,
I do not know you, and you do not know me. That means we are strangers. Strangers do not walk up to other strangers and pick up their babies. That is called (in my book at least) very rude and presumptuous.
Yes, Alexis was crying as I ran on the treadmill, but that still gives you no right to walk down, glare in self-righteous indignation at me, and scoop my child up. Babies have screamed for years, and none have died of it yet. I'd think that with as long as you've lived, you'd have learned that by now. I also would've thought that with your vast experience you'd know that you did not do me a favor, and I did not appreciate it.
No, I refuse to feign gratefulness or appreciation. You shouldn't have touched my child, and you really scared her. She started screaming harder as soon as you touched her and took her out of the seat--if you had had your hearing aid turned up a bit more you would've realized that.
joy (aka ungrateful mother)
Yes, Alexis was crying as I ran on the treadmill, but that still gives you no right to walk down, glare in self-righteous indignation at me, and scoop my child up. Babies have screamed for years, and none have died of it yet. I'd think that with as long as you've lived, you'd have learned that by now. I also would've thought that with your vast experience you'd know that you did not do me a favor, and I did not appreciate it.
No, I refuse to feign gratefulness or appreciation. You shouldn't have touched my child, and you really scared her. She started screaming harder as soon as you touched her and took her out of the seat--if you had had your hearing aid turned up a bit more you would've realized that.
joy (aka ungrateful mother)
At 2:00 PM,
joydle said…
I wasn't at the gym. I was at my in-laws running on their treadmill in the basement. My SIL has a salon in her home, and this lady had just arrived for her hair appointment. Instead of going into the salon (where she would NOT have heard Lexi), she immediately followed the baby's cries and made her way to the basement, and you know the rest of the story.
And FWIW, it does bother me when Alexis gets crabby/whiny/grumpy in public. I do not allow her to sit and cry when there are others to be bothered with it. I hate it when other mothers do so, and have vowed to not be 'that mother' with the 'bratty kid'.
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
hmmmm...........yeah, sounds like it.
At 3:21 PM,
joydle said…
anon - sounds like what?
Purple hat - no, you're fine. I was just clarifying, and agreeing with you. I hate it when kids are just allowed to cry in public, while the mothers ignore them and continue chatting.
At 3:29 PM,
joydle said…
ha -- no worries, no offense taken.
At 1:02 PM,
joydle said…
for what it's worth :-)
At 12:15 AM,
Desperate Househusband said…
that is a little weird. That woman is a bit odd to do that. Being a former stay at home dad, I was always waiting for someone to tell me how to be a parent. Example
"It is awfully cold out, you need to put hats on those kids."
I was ready to let them have it. A nice stern "Why don't you shut the fuck up" has a way of scaring a 50-something woman at the suburban grocery store.
No one ever said anything to me. Its a shame really.
At 1:01 AM,
joydle said…
lol! I cracked up when I read that...the mental picture I get is hilarious, I love it! Thanx for the laugh, I needed it tonight.
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