stop the madness

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Lists lists lists

I just love lists. I always feel that I've succeeded when I've crossed something off of one of my 'lists'. I made a very detailed list for myself this morning. I haven't crossed everything off the list yet, but am well on my way, and whaddya know? I feel that I've accomplished something today.
I suppose that the downside of having a list would be that it shows how many things have NOT been crossed off. I hate lists that show the world all of the things that I should have gotten done.
I suppose I'm wasting time here, because 'Type a post in your blog' is (unfortunately) not on the list. In fact, why didn't I put that on my list?! lists rot. They are always so boring and task-oriented...why don't I ever have anything fun on my lists?
Something like,
1. 'Eat a chocolate bar', or
2. 'Go sit at the computer and just browse for 30 minutes', or even
3. 'Watch a funny movie to get your mind off your work'.

That would be perfect. That way I could cross things off , and have fun at the same time...someday...


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