"How to use a dictionary"
My brain is tired, and I have a headache, but I am finished with the blasted grammar book!!! Woohoo! I crammed that 20 hour course into 25 hours, and it's done. I was so relieved and happy to be finished with it, that I decided to go ahead and work on the next unit.
Can you believe that the next one was created solely to teach individuals how to use the dictionary? If a person doesn't know how to use one, maybe that isn't their biggest problem...
I'm obviously not allowed to skip units, so I skimmed thru the intro until I came to this line:
Before you turn to page xvii, however, read the PREFACE on page vii Then, read the information on pages xvii through xxvii. These pages cover two chapters entitled:
Read the PREFACE?!? who in the world reads the PREFACE in a dictionary?!? And if you're reading 'Notes on the use of this dictionary', you *really* need to find something better to do with your time.
Feeling brave, I skipped to the 'exercises section', determined to conquer the evil dictionary quizzes without studying. *gasp* Of course I passed them all with flying colors. I could've almost done it without the dictionary itself!
OK, so I *did* have to check the 'NOTES ON THE USE OF THIS DICTIONARY' for one of the questions. How the devil was I supposed to know if they used a macron or breve to represent the sound of a long vowel? If this is common knowledge, and even unschooled, mentally handicapped people know this, please don't tell me.
And now that I've finished up that difficult section, I'm on to bigger and better things. For a minute I was worried that the next unit would be, 'How to maximize the usage of your thesaurus', or some other outrageously boring topic along those same lines; but my fear was dispelled as I read the title of the next section: HUMAN ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND DISEASE PROCESSES. There now, who could be bored with topics like that to read about?
*sigh* It's going to be a long 70 hours of studying.
I need to go eat some chocolate and watch a movie to get rested up for it.
Can you believe that the next one was created solely to teach individuals how to use the dictionary? If a person doesn't know how to use one, maybe that isn't their biggest problem...
I'm obviously not allowed to skip units, so I skimmed thru the intro until I came to this line:
Before you turn to page xvii, however, read the PREFACE on page vii Then, read the information on pages xvii through xxvii. These pages cover two chapters entitled:
Read the PREFACE?!? who in the world reads the PREFACE in a dictionary?!? And if you're reading 'Notes on the use of this dictionary', you *really* need to find something better to do with your time.
Feeling brave, I skipped to the 'exercises section', determined to conquer the evil dictionary quizzes without studying. *gasp* Of course I passed them all with flying colors. I could've almost done it without the dictionary itself!
OK, so I *did* have to check the 'NOTES ON THE USE OF THIS DICTIONARY' for one of the questions. How the devil was I supposed to know if they used a macron or breve to represent the sound of a long vowel? If this is common knowledge, and even unschooled, mentally handicapped people know this, please don't tell me.
And now that I've finished up that difficult section, I'm on to bigger and better things. For a minute I was worried that the next unit would be, 'How to maximize the usage of your thesaurus', or some other outrageously boring topic along those same lines; but my fear was dispelled as I read the title of the next section: HUMAN ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND DISEASE PROCESSES. There now, who could be bored with topics like that to read about?
*sigh* It's going to be a long 70 hours of studying.
I need to go eat some chocolate and watch a movie to get rested up for it.
At 4:37 PM,
joydle said…
lol. It took me a minute to 'get' that. *sigh* Ya, blonde moment. Ha! Hi Auntie D! Welcome to my blog! ;-)
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