Before I was married, I would go to sit out in the sun whenever I had a spare moment. I loved to just lay back with my eyes closed, and my face upturned, catching some rays. I especially liked it when the heat would get so intense that I could almost feel my skin turning brown.
Ahh yes, those were the days.
Today I decided to try and get some tanning in while Alexis was taking her nap. My legs could be mistaken for slightly-thicker-than-normal light sabers if I moved them fast enough in a dark room (with proper sound effects of course), they're so white.
I took my books out and studied for about half an hour before I decided to just lay back and enjoy the sun. Glancing at my watch, I noted the time so that I'd not end up charring my flesh with too much exposure.
As I reclined in the chair with my eyes closed, I willed my mind to just slow down; I wanted to just enjoy the fresh air, the slight breeze, and the heat on my skin.
After what seemed like forever, I glanced at my watch. Five minutes had gone by. Five! I sighed and leaned back again. Between glancing at my watch, rocking my chair, and splashing my feet in the kiddie pool, I probably looked like a kindergartener trying to make it through the first morning of school.
I was so intensely bored--how did I used to sit out for hours?!? I used to be able to relax, and just meditate on nature...or was it boys? Suffice to say, I only lasted half an hour out there. That relaxing stuff is hard work.
Ahh yes, those were the days.
Today I decided to try and get some tanning in while Alexis was taking her nap. My legs could be mistaken for slightly-thicker-than-normal light sabers if I moved them fast enough in a dark room (with proper sound effects of course), they're so white.
I took my books out and studied for about half an hour before I decided to just lay back and enjoy the sun. Glancing at my watch, I noted the time so that I'd not end up charring my flesh with too much exposure.
As I reclined in the chair with my eyes closed, I willed my mind to just slow down; I wanted to just enjoy the fresh air, the slight breeze, and the heat on my skin.
After what seemed like forever, I glanced at my watch. Five minutes had gone by. Five! I sighed and leaned back again. Between glancing at my watch, rocking my chair, and splashing my feet in the kiddie pool, I probably looked like a kindergartener trying to make it through the first morning of school.
I was so intensely bored--how did I used to sit out for hours?!? I used to be able to relax, and just meditate on nature...or was it boys? Suffice to say, I only lasted half an hour out there. That relaxing stuff is hard work.
At 11:46 PM,
joydle said…
Maybe that's it. I hope not though -- that would mean I will never be able to relax again. I usually have no problem shirking my duties in favor of some'alone' time.
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