Sticky, no-slip tub decals
I have always hated them. Pea-green frog decals stuck to the bottom of the tub are just wrong. Would you want to shower with 7 frogs hopping around in the tub? Then why would frog decorations in the shower be cute--ever?
When David and I returned from our honeymoon, I was slightly disturbed to find flower decals in the tub at our new house (well, it was new to us. David had bought the house before we were married and completely renovated it...except for the tub). These obviously weren't brand new decals because people stopped wanting to stick things on the bottom of their tubs 20 years ago. These were old decals. Once upon a time they were probably bright pink, clean-looking, and tolerable. Now they were faded to an ugly orange-salmon color, and spots were worn away in some of the flowers.
For the first week of living there and showering in that bathtub, I wore flip-flops, because the surface of the tub grossed me out.
That was two years ago.
Yesterday I scrubbed, peeled, and pulled all those stuborn decals off the bottom of our tub (Can we say 'about time'?!)---with our brownie server (Necessity is the mother of invention, right?).
The tub looks SO much better, even though I'm still scrubbing to get some of the remaining goo from the decals off. It's amazing how much cleaner it looks with them gone, even though it's not totally clean. The day's work was worth it when David oohh-ed and ahh-ed over it.
The brownie server is a little dull, but if my brownies are so hard that they need a sharp edge to cut thru them, we might as well break out the steak knives.
When David and I returned from our honeymoon, I was slightly disturbed to find flower decals in the tub at our new house (well, it was new to us. David had bought the house before we were married and completely renovated it...except for the tub). These obviously weren't brand new decals because people stopped wanting to stick things on the bottom of their tubs 20 years ago. These were old decals. Once upon a time they were probably bright pink, clean-looking, and tolerable. Now they were faded to an ugly orange-salmon color, and spots were worn away in some of the flowers.
For the first week of living there and showering in that bathtub, I wore flip-flops, because the surface of the tub grossed me out.
That was two years ago.
Yesterday I scrubbed, peeled, and pulled all those stuborn decals off the bottom of our tub (Can we say 'about time'?!)---with our brownie server (Necessity is the mother of invention, right?).
The tub looks SO much better, even though I'm still scrubbing to get some of the remaining goo from the decals off. It's amazing how much cleaner it looks with them gone, even though it's not totally clean. The day's work was worth it when David oohh-ed and ahh-ed over it.
The brownie server is a little dull, but if my brownies are so hard that they need a sharp edge to cut thru them, we might as well break out the steak knives.
At 11:44 PM,
joydle said…
It does!! I love it every time I see it now. I need to buy some more ajax and goo-gone to get the rest of the glue/adhesive off the bottom though. It looks so much better.
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