Dressing for your body type
You'd think with all the books, articles, and magazines that address the 'body shape' issue, women would start dressing to better fit their body shape. Maybe they're making things too difficult. Here's a tip:
If your body shape is 'big', don't wear size small.
If women would just start following this simple rule of thumb, the world would be a MUCH prettier place.
Just yesterday my poor eyes were assaulted with an image that will forever remained burned in my mind. oh the agony. The lady was not fat, by any means, but neither was she skinny. There are a million and one outfits that she could've worn and looked attractive in. Apparently she missed the first 1,000,001 options and managed to land a doozy.
Her white, stretchy skirt was probably about 10 inches long, and a size 4 (she should've purchased a size 8). Her little vest (which is, unfortunately, a very literal description), was black, had only three little buttons in the middle, and fell short of reaching the top of her skirt by a good three inches. Due to the fact that she had apparently been suctioned into the skirt, a roll of skin hung out between the two articles of clothing, and jiggled with each step. With the vest only buttoned thrice, her entire front abdomben was bare, and made the unfortunate jiggling all the more obvious.
I very nearly stopped sipping my cappacino to request an energy bar and water from a nearby vendor.
And just so we're all clear, let me say that I have no problem with larger people. I DO have a problem with larger people trying to wear smaller clothes. Whenever I see it I have the uncontrollable urge to stab my eyes out.
If your body shape is 'big', don't wear size small.
If women would just start following this simple rule of thumb, the world would be a MUCH prettier place.
Just yesterday my poor eyes were assaulted with an image that will forever remained burned in my mind. oh the agony. The lady was not fat, by any means, but neither was she skinny. There are a million and one outfits that she could've worn and looked attractive in. Apparently she missed the first 1,000,001 options and managed to land a doozy.
Her white, stretchy skirt was probably about 10 inches long, and a size 4 (she should've purchased a size 8). Her little vest (which is, unfortunately, a very literal description), was black, had only three little buttons in the middle, and fell short of reaching the top of her skirt by a good three inches. Due to the fact that she had apparently been suctioned into the skirt, a roll of skin hung out between the two articles of clothing, and jiggled with each step. With the vest only buttoned thrice, her entire front abdomben was bare, and made the unfortunate jiggling all the more obvious.
I very nearly stopped sipping my cappacino to request an energy bar and water from a nearby vendor.
And just so we're all clear, let me say that I have no problem with larger people. I DO have a problem with larger people trying to wear smaller clothes. Whenever I see it I have the uncontrollable urge to stab my eyes out.
At 9:51 AM,
joydle said…
Welcome to the blog Rachel, and you have a wonderful day too!
At 12:23 PM,
Unknown said…
Joy I'm with you all the way there! People should wear "their" size not a size they want to be :)
At 12:50 PM,
joydle said…
Ha! That's a perfect description...they need to stop wearing their 'dream size'.
At 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very accurate description! Nothing wrong w/being a bit larger by any means, but please, if you're not a size 4 don't wear size 0, etc!!
The other day on campus I saw this girl, around 17-18 y.old, wearing these low low low rider tight jeans w/ a halter top, showing her belly. The outfit was way too small for her, and she wasn't fat at all!!! Her hip/belly skin was obscenely rolling off her pants. Urgh!
I can't wait to see that low low rider jeans trend go away...It's hard nowadays to find some "sexy" jeans without wanting people to see my private parts while wearing them...
A blogger from Quebec
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