stop the madness

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Born in a barn?

There should be a law written forbidding the making of bathroom doors that do not close on their own. Who ever came up with such a DUMB idea? Of course, I'm not talking about single-stall bathrooms, because DUH, you're obviously going to close (and hopefully lock) the door once you walk in. I'm talking about the multi-stall bathrooms...the ones that, when the main door is left open, the stalls are able to be seen by the general public. Again I ask, who came up with such a dumb idea?

Seeing as I consider using the restroom to be a private thing, I have always been very aware of the 'public-ness' of public restrooms. I use them as little as possible, but everyone knows that you just cannot avoid it sometimes.

Personally, I prefer stalls that don't have gaps in between the door and the sides that are big enough to fit a small child through. You might as well leave the door open, because there WILL be someone who stands there and looks through the openings.

Then there are the toilets that are like 4 feet off the ground. Hello--I'd need a step ladder to climb up there folks.

The self-flushing toilets always freak me out a little, because, without fail, they will either completely fail to flush, leaving me searching for the little black button, or they will flush several times, while I hang on to the TP dispenser to avoid being sucked in (and of course, the ginormous rush of water never fails to splatter ALL over my clothes).

But all this I can handle, as long as the main door to the restroom is closed.
Our church has a small 2-stall restroom. When the main door is open, anyone can see in *very* easily. Every time I walk in (even if it is to just blow my nose, or put on lipstick) I close the door behind me--especially if someone is in one of the stalls. It is especially important if the sermon is starting, because the bathroom is right beside the pews, and everyone within 15 feet can clearly hear with the door open (gross, right?).

So WHY is it so hard for the females at our church to CLOSE THE STINKIN' DOOR?!? After closing the door TWO times on Sunday, to protect the innocent ears of those near-by, I became irritated at the thoughtlessness of some people. Do they really not care that anyone walking by can see their little feet, and hear them tinkle?!
[end rant]


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