freakin' idiot!

This is what happens when:
1) you're bored at a store while waiting for an incredibly SLOW machine to upload pictures from a digital camera.
2) your 14 year old sis is at the store and bored as well.
3) your sis has a digital camera in her possession and an insatiable appetite for pictures...ok, so I admit that most of the weird/crazy/silly pictures we took were my idea.
After taking about 10 pictures we had some bossy old fossil inform us that in case we wanted to know (we didn't), picture taking was not allowed in the store. (If this policy is such an important one, then maybe there should be some sign letting young innocents like myself know.) As I thanked her (politely, though not without a hint of sarcasm) for her unsolicitated free information, I was tempted to snap a picture of her sour face for this blog post.
GOSH! *said in best Napoleon Dynamite voice* Just lighten up and have fun! And if you can't handle that, then stop trying to spoil other people's fun. Fortunately, her dour voice and crabby disposition did little to dampen Anna's and my fun night out. We just spent the rest of the time crabbing at each other about "no photos in the store!" and other rules that they probably made to ensure that you only walk in a stately and mature manner throughout their building.
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