stop the madness

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Mass confusion

Woo! I was completely joking about reading the 'blogging rules', but apparently this is way more complicated than I imagined it to be! Kudos to all of you out there who have actually figured all this stuffage out and still managed to keep your sanity! ;-)
I'm not exactly a computer savvy woman, so figuring this all out will, I'm sure, manage to challenge me. But that's good, right? To continually stretch myself by learning new things is essential in keeping my little brain working. When I don't use my brain, not only does it slow down, but it also starts losing what little knowledge it originally had. And anyone who knows me can verify that even a day of slacking off could prove to be disastrous for my mental health. :-0


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