The newest thing
So here I am finally getting into the whole 'blogging' thing. Is there some type of 'bloggers rule book' that I should be reading before I take the final step and submit my first entry?! Or do I need to advertise somewhere to try and find readers? I'll most likely end up having to pay people to read about my daily life...oh well. I'll console myself with the optimistic thought that people will read it without 'subscribing' to it...which is what I've been doing for the past three weeks to several other bloggers (that's probly a no-no in the 'blogger rule-book').
But now that I've got my own, I can 'subscribe' or whatever you call it, to the other blogs, like a fine, upstanding blogger. 0:-D
But now that I've got my own, I can 'subscribe' or whatever you call it, to the other blogs, like a fine, upstanding blogger. 0:-D
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey sis! :-D It's good to see you in the online world. I don't use this program for blogging, so I don't know if there's a setting which allows you to only let select people read your entries...but if so, you probably want to use that, don't ya think? Or maybe not. :-P You probably won't write about personal stuff like I do. But if you do decide to only let "subscribers" read, let me know so I can sign up, okay? Okay. ;-)
-your favorite sister
At 7:23 PM,
joydle said…
It won't be anything terribly personal...more like a fun way to take my mind off my horrible life. ;-)
At 10:54 PM,
joydle said…
Sure, take advantage of your poor sister when she's confused and defenseless...go ahead and then tell me how your conscience feels
At 8:25 AM,
joy said…
Nope, you have the right idea: leave comments for other people and the usually return the favor. They may even link to you! ;)
A Different Joy
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